Meet Author and Powerhouse Investigative Journalist: Seamus Bruner
On Thursday, December 7th, at 7 pm, CDF Nassau will hold an exclusive evening with
News related to Education.
On Thursday, December 7th, at 7 pm, CDF Nassau will hold an exclusive evening with
Guest Writer: CarrieAnn Hitzel Gaines Today we heard the news about Creekside High School and
In a recent episode of “The Daily Signal Podcast,” host Samantha Aschieris welcomed Congressman Aaron
National Dog Day is a holiday celebrated on August 26th each year in the United
Once again the Biden Administration is using a sneaky assault on our Second Amendment rights.
Thanks to increased surveillance by state government, attempts to insinuate socialism and racism into the
Many parents will be getting ready to send off their most precious asset to college
Things have changed a lot in the weird world of politics in Florida during the
Finally, a movement started in Florida 24 years ago by Gov. Jeb Bush has come
Moms for Liberty, an organization that fights for parental rights and against government overreach in
We could not have asked for a more timely event than this one!! Join the
Every day it seems as if the United States is moving closer to the dystopian