There are only a few days left to become a Republican and help save America.
The deadline to change party affiliation is July 25.
It is at the federal level, however, that the GOP is failing to meet expectations. As someone said, Republicans would be the dumbest people in Washington if it were not for Democrats.
At the state level, where the GOP holds the legislature and governor’s office, things are progressing nicely. One way to gauge this progress is to glance at the leftwing editorial pages in the state’s newspapers. They are seething with rage every day.So, those who became “independents” because they were angry with the GOP, can rejoin the Republican Party before the deadline, and thus be able to vote in the upcoming Republican primary election.
You can switch at
Keep Nassau County conservative and on America’s side. Register and vote for the most conservative candidate and help stop the surge in socialism and authoritarianism.